Veolia Hong Kong and Templewater, Parent company of Citybus, Sign MOU to Collaborate on Developing Green Hydrogen Energy

9 September 2023, Hong Kong
Private Equity

(9 September 2023, Hong Kong) Veolia Hong Kong Holding Limited (“Veolia Hong Kong”) and Templewater Limited (“Templewater”) announced a new cooperation in the form of The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU formalises the partnership to conduct a pilot on providing green hydrogen for buses in Hong Kong with the objective to decarbonize Hong Kong through the use of green hydrogen to increase the sustainability of mobility.

Veolia Hong Kong will be responsible for designing, building and supplying green hydrogen produced from landfill gas captured in its own site and Templewater’s subsidiary, Citybus, will deploy and operate hydrogen buses on selected routes in Hong Kong Island and Kowloon. The hydrogen extraction facility will provide 250 kg of hydrogen per day, which can supply the operation of 5 hydrogen buses for one day.

Mr. Laurent Pelletier, Chief Executive Officer of Veolia Hong Kong is excited about the collaboration. “It is a great milestone to strengthen the relationship between Veolia and Templewater. Our companies share the same values and vision to tackle environmental challenges efficiently, especially on decarbonization. I hope this collaboration which starts with Hong Kong will further expand to other geographies. Our first project will be to produce green hydrogen from landfill gas and supply a fleet of 5 buses from Templewater’s Citybus. This achievement will be perfectly in line with Hong Kong government objectives in terms of carbon neutrality. Mobility and waste management being the second and third sources of carbon emissions in Hong Kong, we could have a double impact by minimising methane released into the atmosphere and greening transportation in Hong Kong.

Mr. Cliff Zhang, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Templewater, said “We are excited to expand and continue to grow this partnership with Veolia in the future. For Templewater, decarbonization, particularly hydrogen, is our firm's key focus and cross-strategy. We have brought the first hydrogen bus to Hong Kong. We believe that what we are doing right now is more than just for a commercial purpose, but truly doing something for the next generation. We are very excited to have a partnership with Veolia today. Let's get to work.”

Witnessed by Mr. Norman Cheng, Business Development Director of Veolia Hong Kong (far left), Dr. Yufeng Wan,Partner & Head of Impact Investing of Templewater (second left), Mr. Laurent Pelletier, Chief Executive Officer of Veolia Hong Kong (far right) and Mr. Cliff Zhang, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Templewater (second right) signed the MoU today with the objective to decarbonize Hong Kong through the use of green hydrogen to increase the sustainability of mobility

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